A three-month pregnant Tamil woman escaping the LTTE grip in the “No Fire zone” along with several more fellow escapees was shot and critically injured by LTTE terrorists around 7.00 a.m. on Saturday(11th April), forcing fellow civilians to bring the injured pregnant woman to the cleared areas to be handed over to the Army troops in Puthukkudiyiruppu.
The pregnant woman who has received injuries to her shoulders and chest area was profusely bleeding at the time she ended up in Puthukkudiyiruppu with the help of her fellow travelers.
Sri Lankan troops realizing her serious condition after giving initial treatments rushed her to Vavuniya hospital on an ambulance provided by the government. The Vavuniya hospital sources said that she was under going a major surgery at the time this report was filed.
The LTTE is using these poor Tamil civilians as a human shield to protect themselves and their leaders who are trapped in the NFZ.
So isn't it the LTTE who committs genocide against Tamils?? Is this how the so called freedom fighters protect Tamils??
The pregnant woman who has received injuries to her shoulders and chest area was profusely bleeding at the time she ended up in Puthukkudiyiruppu with the help of her fellow travelers.
Sri Lankan troops realizing her serious condition after giving initial treatments rushed her to Vavuniya hospital on an ambulance provided by the government. The Vavuniya hospital sources said that she was under going a major surgery at the time this report was filed.
The LTTE is using these poor Tamil civilians as a human shield to protect themselves and their leaders who are trapped in the NFZ.
So isn't it the LTTE who committs genocide against Tamils?? Is this how the so called freedom fighters protect Tamils??
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